Amnesty International, Hampstead will present a showcase of short films on human rights issues, followed by a panel discussion with the filmmakers. Featuring animation, documentary, and fiction, the showcase offers a global portrait of human rights issues related to Amnesty’s campaigns, including refugees and asylum, women’s human rights, and prisoners of conscience. The short films include Jafar Panahi’s film The Accordion (2010/ Iran/ 9 mins). It is a story of two child street musicians that find their livelihood threatened when their accordion is taken away by force, but resolve their situation in a novel way. An uplifting tale steeped with many meanings from Iranian director Jafar Panahi. Internationally acclaimed for feature films such as The Circle (winner of the Golden Lion, Venice Film Festival) and Offside, Panahi has recently been sentenced to six years’ imprisonment by the Iranian regime and banned from making films for 20 years. Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 Time: Begins at 8:30pm Location: 269 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 7JR Tickets: £9.50 Profits will go to Amnesty International Suitable for ages 15+ Learn More, See Full Programme & Book Tickets Here: