July 25th, 2009 marked the first Global Day of Action, during which tens of thousands of people across a hundred cities came together in solidarity with the people of Iran. In the aftermath of a brutal government crackdown following the disputed election, activists came together to demand the immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, an end to state-sponsored violence, accountability for crimes committed, and freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of press. The day received support from hundreds of prominent activists, academics, and artists, including Nobel Laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jody Williams, and Shirin Ebadi. Click here to watch Desmond Tutu‘s video message in support of the day and the people of Iran. Among the day’s highlights was also the premiere of U2’s new video to coincide with the global day, before 80,000 people in Dublin’s Croke Park. This first global day of support for the Iranian people had immense momentum behind it. Emotions ran high as images of students being chased by Basiji remained fresh in the world’s consciousness. Now, only two short years after the largest show of solidarity with the Iranian people, we must continue forward with the same passion demonstrated by thousands of concerned citizens not so long ago. Below is a slideshow revisiting some of the day’s events.

More Videos from July 25, 2009 Global Day of Action promotional video Produced by Agit Pop, music by Sussan Deyhim, featuring DJ Spooky Promotional video done by the team in the Netherlands: Be a Hero! Watch a comprehensive report on the Global Day of Action done by CNN.