Today, devastating news reached the human rights community with the sad passing of Ms. Bahareh Alavi, a human rights activist and member of the One Million Signature campaign. We want to relay our condolences to Ms. Alavi’s family, friends, colleagues, and sisters at the One Million Signature Campaign. The human rights community has truly lost a shining star, but as Change for Equality reminds us, Ms Alavi. will be “Missed, but not Forgotten.” Below is a touching piece by Change for Equality detailing the exemplary life of Ms. Alavi. From Change for Equality:

We are saddened today by the passing of our dear friend and colleague Bahare Alavi, a member of the Campaign in Kurdistan province. Bahare Alavi, was a 20 year old women’s rights and Kurdish rights activist and writer based in Kurdistan. In early April on her way back home from a trip with her family, they had a car accident as a result of Bahare’s father passed away. Bahareh had been hospitalized until last week, when she was released. She was recovering from her injuries at home but passed away suddenly due to complications from infections. Her mother has suffered paralysis due to the accident. Bahare touched the lives of many during her short time on this earth. She had an unparalleled passion for life and an unwavering commitment to the fight for equality and justice and was quick to take on the case of those unjustly imprisoned or persecuted. Her kindness and loving spirit have touched all of us who knew her and she will not be forgotten. Our deepest condolences go to Bahare’s family, especially her mother and brother, who are still mourning the loss of a husband and father and to Bahare’s close friends who gave her loving support after the tragedy of the accident and the loss of her father. We wish them strength and peace during these difficult times. The Campaign and the Iranian women’s movement have lost one of their brightest stars forever. Bahare will be missed dearly by all of us who were moved by her love, kindness, energy, commitment and passion for life.