Iranian American comedian Maz Jobrani, best known for the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour, sent a birthday message to imprisoned student activist to Bahareh Hedayat. Jobrani told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that he hopes Hedayat is released soon. During a comedy program Los Angeles hosted by the Campaign, Jobrani expressed sadness about the detention of large numbers of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners inside Iranian prisons at Nowruz (Iranian New Year) time. When asked if he had any message for Hedayat who is serving her third Nowruz behind bars, Jobrani told the Campaign, “Happy Birthday, Bahareh. I hope you come out of the prison soon. I hope you come out healthy. I was really sad to hear about your imprisonment, and I hope that you see freedom soon. I hope that we will meet each other some day.” Last week, a group of student, women’s rights, and human rights activists formed a campaign in support of Bahareh Hedayat, who is currently serving a 9.5-year prison sentence in Evin Prison, asking the Iranian government to release her immediately. The campaign’s stated objective is “focusing the attention of student organizations, world statesmen, and human rights organizations” on the special circumstances of this political prisoner, who, they say, “has been imprisoned for her courageous criticism.” Related items: Bahareh Hedayat’s Facebook Page Maz Jobrani’s website Click here to sign petition for the release of Bahareh Hedayat Source:

*Note from U4I: Click here to learn more about how you can get involved with the Free Bahareh Campaign!