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In light of the upcoming rallies organized by Iranian opposition in a show of support for the peaceful protesters in Egypt and Tunisia (25 Bahman, Feb 14), activists worldwide – from Tokyo to Berlin to Washington DC – are gathering to show their solidarity. Many are using this time to highlight the execution binge in Iran, while urging the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to appoint a human rights monitor on Iran. Activists around the world are also working to “Keep Iran’s Hearts Beating” by drawing attention to Iran’s execution rate (1 execution every 8 hours) and by urging the IRI to:

  1. Institute an immediate moratorium on all executions;
  2. Conduct independent reviews of pending death penalty cases; and
  3. Abolish the death penalty all together.

A gallery of worldwide support for the Iranian people is below. If you want to share footage of your event, e-mail the pictures or video links to Check back often to see additional photos as they’re added. And remember! It’s never too late to take action. Click here to learn how you can still get involved!

Hyderabad, India

Read a statement of support by Iranian students in Hyderabad and the Hyderabad International Student Association (Farsi).

Toronto, Canada

San Francisco, USA

Oxford, UK