An informed source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that father of Majid Dorri, a student who was banned from education, was called on the phone and summoned to a Karaj Intelligence Office unit last week.  The intelligence forces informed Dorri’s father of their dissatisfaction with his family’s attempts to disseminate information about the prisoner of conscience’s case. According to the source, during the insulting meeting the Karaj Intelligence Office officials had with Majid Dorri’s father, they forced him to sign a letter, stating that he will no longer provide information about his son’s conditions in prison. Intelligence officers also summoned Majid Dorri’s mother by telephone, asking her to sign a similar letter.  “While dictating the letter to her, they told her that if the family provides further information about Majid Dorri’s conditions, he would be exiled to the Ahvaz Prison.  For this reason, Mr. Dorri’s family have stopped providing information about the case,” he said. Majid Dorri’s efforts to pursue the case of graduate students who had been banned from continuing their education, and his peaceful protests of the decisions led him to a 6.5 year prison sentence and exile to the city of Behbahan. According to a source close to Majid Dorri’s family, the banned student of Allameh University is under very difficult conditions in exile.  Majid Dorri’s family have repeatedly pursued the situation of their son through legal mechanisms, but judicial authorities have refused to accept their letters. Previously, Majid Dorry has spoken several times about Judge Pirabbassi’s actions in his trial court, disallowing Dorri to defend himself against the charge of moharebeh (enmity with God), but convicting him on the same charge at the end of the trial session.  Dorri’s family’s attempts to pursue the Revolutionary Courts’ judge’s conduct during their son’s trial have been fruitless.
