Nov 27, 2010 A source close to journalist and prisoner of conscience Hengameh Shahidi told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that because of Shahidi’s poor physical condition, she was admitted to Evin Prison’s infirmary. Hengameh Shahidi, who was released from Evin Prison for medical treatment on 28 October, was returned to prison on 15 November following denial of her request to extend her medical leave. Since her medical treatment was incomplete, and she was not informed about the reasons why her medical leave was not extended, upon arrival at the prison she began a hunger strike. Following the hunger strike, due to continued deterioration of her health, she was transferred to Evin Prison’s infirmary. “When the family of this political prisoner went to visit her this morning, they had to wait for more than four hours due to her poor physical health and because she had been admitted to the infirmary. They were finally able to see her towards the end of visitation hours… upon returning to prison, she was transferred to the Methadone Ward of Evin prison [where prisoners who are drug addicts are detained], and due to a ban on telephone calls from this ward, as well as the ban on her telephone calls, which has been in place for the past three months, she had not had the opportunity to contact her family,” said the source. Hengameh Shahidi, a veteran Iranian journalist, was the Women’s Affair Advisor to Etemad Melli Party’s General Secretary during last year’s presidential election. She is currently serving a six-year prison term. Source: