(26 April 2010) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran expressed serious concern today regarding the issuance of death sentences for post-election protestors in Iran. The Campaign released a short video aimed at raising international awareness about such politically motivated executions, which can be viewed here. So far, at least eleven protestors have been sentenced to death by the Iranian Judiciary following unfair trials and insufficient evidence justifying any punishment, let alone executions. Seven of the protestors on death row have been identified as: Mohammad Amin Valian, a 20 year student; Abdolreza Ghanbari, a 47 year old teacher; Motahareh Bahrami and Mohsen Daneshpour Moghaddam (husband and wife) and their son, Ahmad Daneshpour, together with two of their close friends, Rayhaneh Haj Ebrahim and Hadi Ghaemi (not related to the Campaign’s executive director of the same name). After the 12 June 2009 presidential elections, thousands were arrested, hundreds were tortured, and dozens killed. Some authorities bluntly advocated for the use of violence against peaceful protesters and even killing them. Some had command responsibility for those who shot innocent people on the streets. Some had direct responsibility for what happened to dozens of arrested protesters in Kahrizak Detention Center, which resulted in the death of at least four of the detained. The Campaign appeals to the Iranian authorities, that instead of sending innocent people to death row, they should hold responsible those who perpetuate violence in society–in order to prevent similar tragedies in the future. Until we fully know the role individuals and institutions had in directly or indirectly masterminding and participating in the systematic and deadly crackdown, we cannot ensure that such brutality will not occur again. The Campaign urges all civil society organizations and concerned global citizens to distribute, post, and highlight this video on the internet and social networking websites to raise awareness and to demand the revocation of these unfair sentences. Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/04/end-political-executions/