8 March 2010
The Barcelona city council has approved an institutional statement in favor and support of human rights in Iran. The text of the statement is below (translated from Spanish): The municipal council agrees: 1- To declare its concern about the persistent and recurrent violation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, according to the A/C.3/64/L.37 resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations. 2- To express its preoccupation with the response of the Islamic Republic of Iran government, after the June 12, 2009 elections and the parallel increase of violation of human rights. 3- Urging the United Nations Spanish and Andorrans delegations to continue working in favor of the fulfillment of the specific statements of the resolutions approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations and on the completion of their obligations, with full respect of the Islamic Republic of Iran for human rights. 4- To condemn the news from the Islamic Republic indicating that they are working toward the development of nuclear armaments and Iran’s confirmation as a “Nuclear State” mentioned by its president, Ahmadinejad, recently. 5- To support the nomination of Ramin Jahanbegloo for the XXX Peace Prize, by the United Nations Assembly in Barcelona. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran is grateful for the defense of human rights in Iran by the Olympic city of Barcelona. Likewise, our deepest appreciation to those who have made this resolution possible: to Mr. Jordi Hereu (the Mayor of Barcelona), Mr. Xavier Trias (the President of the CiU group in the city of Barcelona), all the political forces of the Barcelona City Council and Mrs. Eulalia Pascual (the President of the Catalan Federation of NGOs for Human Rights).
Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/03/barcelona-council-statement/