On Saturday, February 27, Vancouver Green Students organized a gathering to sign and draw attention to the “Green Scroll for Democracy in Iran.” The event was organized during the end of the Olympics to draw focus to the on-going civil & human rights abuses in Iran and to call for a halt to executions and the release of all prisoners of conscience. Vancouver citizens held a similar demonstration to mark the opening of the Winter Olympics as well. After signing the scroll, activists marched en masse through the streets of Vancouver with banners and the newly signed green, fabric scroll to the Olympic Cauldron at the Vancouver Convention Centre, where in front of the Olympic torches, activists made sure Iran’s human & civil rights issues shone just as bright. From Vancouver Green Students

This unique spirit of the Olympics is universal. As is the struggle for democracy, civil,and human rights anywhere in the world. These universal aspirations have manifested in a struggle in Iran and command the world’s attention. As we compete to achieve victory in the games in Vancouver, please help echo the voices of Iranians striving to achieve victory in different human rights fronts. Let’s put pressure on the government of Iran to stop arbitrary executions and mass violations to basic human rights and freedoms.

As one of the organizers noted to U4I, “The least we can do is to continually show our support for Iranian people’s well deserved aspirations of a free and prosperous Iran.”

See select pictures and video below. To see the full collection of pictures, check out our Flickr gallery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/united4iran/sets/72157623536106016/

المپیک زمستانی «سبز» ونکوور ۲۰۱۰ – طومار سبز برای آزادی زندانیان سیاسی و توقف اعدام ها

در حاشیه برگزاری مراسم المپیک زمستانی در ونکوور، طوماری دیگر در حمایت از جنبش سبز امضا شد تا بار دیگر منازعه مردم ایران بر سر حقوق بنیادی شهروندی و انسانی خود به جهانیان یادآوری، و در خاطرشان ثبت شود با تشکر .از حامیان

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جنبش سبز دانشجوئی ونکوور