In a letter to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, a journalist from Kermanshah has pointed to instances of violations of human rights in the Province, requesting better news coverage of the arrests of political activists, journalists, and students. The Campaign would like to thank this journalist for his letter. Documentation of cases of human rights violations is a main area of responsibility for the Campaign. We hope to develop closer ties with civil society activists and members of the press in order to provide better coverage and reflections of human rights violations as mentioned by the citizen who has written to us. Small parts of this letter have been omitted to conceal identities of individuals, but the omissions do not detract from the essence of the letter. Here is the letter:

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran: Thank you for reflecting news about Kermanshah, but we would like to register our concern with you. It seems like the environment is increasingly taking a shape similar to that of 1979’s. While journalists and civil and political activists are continually suppressed and attacked, it seems human rights organizations are only supporting a selected few in their news coverage. […] True supporters of democracy who wish democracy for Iran are suffering a news boycott. To be sure, we condemn all arrests, abuse, and torture and take steps to eliminate such inhumane actions. We do condemn arrests of certain individuals who receive overt news coverage and view their arrests and sentences as unacceptable, but why wouldn’t any of you report on the arrests of 100 brave Razi University students? Why didn’t you issue any statements? Why weren’t there any statements issued for the treatment of several weekly democracy-seeking publications which have been receiving a notice every month and summoned to courts every few months? Why wouldn’t you issue a statement about Mohammad Eslampour, Editor-in-Chief of Kermanshah’s Nava-ye Vaght publication who has given his entire life for democracy for Iran? Why didn’t any of you care about the televised confessions of Zakaria Abbasi? But you easily interview and provide news about individuals who oppose the basis of the country, the persecution of whom we do not condone either. Let’s build Iran’s tomorrow based on past experiences. Iranian society has suffered enough from yesterday’s generation of intellectuals and historic dictatorships to now need our help. Without a doubt, I respect your opinions on human rights and don’t doubt them, and I hope that you accept my friendly humanitarian recommendation. You have no idea what we are experiencing in Western Iran. We have to withstand the regime’s sticks and lashes and (…) a group of dreamers.
