See footage from:

[Amsterdam] – [Austin] – [Brisbane] – [Brussels] – [Dallas] – [Glasgow] – [Germany: Feb 6] – [Houston] – [London: Feb 11] – [London: Feb 14 Hearts of Iran] – [Los Angeles: Feb 6] – [Los Angeles: Feb 11] – [Milan] – [Montreal] – [Orlando] – [Paris] – [Perth City] – [Phoenix] – [Portland (Maine)] – [Punes, India] – [San Francisco] – [San Jose] – [Seattle] – [Sydney] – [Tempe] – [Tokyo: Feb 6] – [Tokyo: Feb 14] – [Toronto: Feb 7] – [Victoria] – [Vienna] – [Washington DC]

Over the next few days we will be updating this post with information about rallies and actions outside Iran. Please check back often, email us text, images, and videos (, and be patient with us as we get them up!

Sydney, Australia Take a look at the incredibly well produced video from Sydney’s 22 Bahman event. The scenes of ropes around the necks of participants is heart-wrenching to watch. Watch below as the citizens and activists of Sydney, Australia gather in their own show of solidarity for the people of Iran.

Orlando, Florida

For 22 Bahman, almost 200 citizens of Florida gathered in downtown Orlando to show their support for democracy, freedom of speech and respect for human rights in Iran. The event was hosted by Florida for Human Rights in Iran, a non-partisan activist organization made up of a group of citizens with a wide range of backgrounds joined together in support of human rights in Iran. See pictures of their support below, and make sure to check out the entire Flickr gallery here:

Learn more about Florida for Human Rights in Iran FHRI was formed in Orlando in support of human rights in Iran. FHRI has successfully campaigned to increase public awareness of human rights violations in Iran by organizing art exhibits, rallies and events at which authors and former political prisoners have spoken. FHRI works closely with other human rights organizations such as Amnesty International USA. Being a non-partisan collaboration of human rights activists, FHRI does not promote a particular political agenda. The group is not based on, influenced by, affiliated with, or supportive of the interests or policies of any political party, group or religion. While calling for full respect for freedom of speech, expression, and assembly for all Iranian citizens, FHRI also demands an immediate end to the widespread and systematic violations of human rights in Iran. Our core beliefs lie within the human rights declaration of 1947 by United Nations general assembly for all people and all nations. We strive to ensure that every citizen of Iran, regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.

Seattle, Washington: Song of the Students For 22 Bahman, on February 11, non-partisan organization Seattle 4 Iran hosted an evening with Fared Shafinury and Tehranosaurus in a musical effort to maintain awareness regarding the continued unrest in Iran. Fared Shafinury, a gifted American-born Iranian setar player and vocalist living in Austin, TX, performed a rendition of “Yare Dabestani” to the crowds in a show of solidarity with the people of Iran and one of the most recognizable songs of the human & civil rights movement.

See a short video of the performance below.

Learn more about on their website:

Hear more of Fared Shafinury’s music on his website:

Amsterdam: Let’s Not Forget the Students Who are Struggling for a New Iran Hundreds braved below freezing temperatures to show their support for the opposition in Iran and call for the release of student activists who are currently imprisoned in Iran. This event was organized by Iran Progressive Youth. You can find more information about their activities on their site.

Here’s a short video from youTube:

Austria: Sabz Vienna takes to the streets

Watch footage of a large crowd of human & civil rights advocates take to the streets of Vienna in support of the people of Iran. Learn more about the event’s host Sabz Wien at: or on Facebook at

Washington, DC: Not ONE More Execution

In a show of defiance against both the bad weather and the ongoing human and civil rights abuses in Iran, Iranian-American Youth and Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will organized a well received march through the United States’ capital. Mobile billboards reading “Support the Fight for Freedom in Iran!” drove through the icy streets of DC and in front of the White House garnering attention from various media outlets in an outpouring of support for the people of Iran. See selected footage below and the entire gallery on Flickr:

Learn more about Iranian-American Youth at Learn more about the Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will on Facebook at

Milan, Italy: Siamo Tutti Iraniani (“We Are All Iranian”) Milan, Italy saw two events for 22 Bahman. The first was hosted by the “Iranian Progressive Youth”. The second event, hosted by “Iranian Students of Milan” in conjunction with Amnesty International (all its participants draped in black),  saw an impressive number of Milan’s students and citizens march green through the streets o carrying large banners reading “Siamo Tutti Iraniani!” (“We are all Iranian” in Italian). See a few pictures below and the full photo gallery on Flickr:

Sabz Houston: “The WORLD in Solidarity with the People of Iran” A group of human & civil rights activists joined together on February 14th in a show of solidarity for the people of Iran and their struggles during 22 Bahman. Learn more about Sabz Houston on Facebook: Take a look at the pictures below and see the full picture gallery on Flickr:

London, UK: “Hearts of Iran” – A Silent March Highlighting the Human Rights Crisis On February 14th, when many people wrap themselves up in pink hearts and chocolates to celebrate Valentine’s day, United4Iran London hosted “Hearts of Iran” – a silent march  to raise awareness among the British public about the ongoing human rights violations in Iran. See pictures and video below of the concerned citizens of London marching silently through the streets, wearing all black with bright, green hearts pinned over their own. Complete Flickr gallery: See United4Iran London’s Facebook page here:

Read more about the event

Austin, TX: “Green Steps of Iran”

On February 12, over 150 people showed up to Austin4Iran-hosted “Green Steps of Iran” at the University of Texas in Austin. “Green Steps of Iran” was a collaborative green shoe installation piece which included hundreds of shoes lined up dramatically in an effort to draw attention to the struggles of the Iranian people.  According to organizers, there were as many pairs of shoes as arrests and killings in Iran since the disputed June election. See pictures below and the full Flicker gallery here: See Austin4Iran’s Facebook Page here:

Japan: Tokyo’s Streets See Unprecedented Support On February 14th, Green Wave Japan – a Tokyo-based activist organization – hosted a march in support of the people of Iran. A crowd of over a hundred people traveled through the streets of Tokyo chanting slogans in an expression of support and sympathy and carrying signs condemning the systematic human & civil rights violations and abuses in Iran. See below for video and pictures of the event. See the full Flickr gallery here: Learn more about Green Wave Japan here:

San Francisco, CA: Umbrellas in UN Plaza Managed to make it out to UN Plaza in San Francisco to join a pretty good sized group in a show of support for 22 Bahman and the people of Iran. There was an amazing violinst who led the crowd in “Yare Dabestani.” A San Francisco professor also joined the demonstration with some insights of his own. Pictures and video below. See the complete picture gallery on Flickr:

Los Angeles, CA: “We Are All One Voice”

Watch an impressive, high-energy crowd in Los Angeles demonstrate in support of the Iranian people for 22 Bahman in the three-part video below. There are some great chants, my favorite being in the second video where the crowds chant, “We are all one voice!” See a gallery of event pictures on Flickr:

Glasgow, Scotland: New Protest, Same Square

Gathered at George Square in Scotland, activists spend 22 Bahman demonstrating in the very place which itself saw a protest of over 90,000 people campaigning for better working conditions in the early 1900’s. See pictures below of Glasgow’s human rights activists showing support for the people of Iran. See the full collection on Flickr:

Punes, India: “This is Human Rights in Iran”

A brave group of students and activists studying abroad in India held a vigil and demonstration on 22 Bahman to show solidarity with their peers back home. Donning green writsbands, waving green balloons, and touting a sign with a noose and text reading “THIS is Human Rights in Iran,” the Punes, India students met despite potential repercussions at home. Thanks to the brave students for coming out and showing their support. See the full album on Flickr:

Victoria, BC, Canada: Blind Folds & Nooses

On Feb 11, human rights activists in Victoria, BC, Canada stood together in a flurry of snow, green blindfolds, and nooses tight around their necks to draw attention to the human rights plight in Iran, and the onslaught of recent executions. See more pictures on Flickr:

Dallas, TX: A Green Army (of shoes)

For 22 Bahman, a group of Dallas-based activists gathered to show-case their exceptional project involving rows and rows of shoes spray-painted green and lined-up outside to stir public awareness regarding the efforts of the Iranian people. See more pictures of this event on Flickr:

Perth City, Australia: “We Are All Iranian Today” Large crowds gathered in Perth City, Australia today for 22 Bahman and to show their solidarity with the Iranian people.

See video and a few pictures below and the entire gallery on Flickr:

Portland, Maine: Cold Weather, Warm Thoughts A handful of activists bundled up today and braved the cold New England weather to show their support for the people of Iran. See pictures below and check out the full collection on Flickr:

ASU Students Gather in Phoenix for 22 Bahman Arizona came together a second time this week to show support for the people of Iran, especially in light of the 22 Bahman demonstrations. See some pictures from the event and make sure to read an excerpt on Arizona’s “State Press” article about the event (below)! More pictures of the event can be found on Flickr:

From State Press Report

Renee Behinfar of Scottsdale, the creator of the “Democracy and Freedom for Iran – Arizona chapter” Facebook group, was the main coordinator of the demonstration. “We are supporting democracy and freedom for Iran and the restoration of civil and human rights for Iranians,” she said. The protesters in Iran are expected to be met with a lot of force and violence, she said, more so than the original election protests. Iranian university students have been a big part of the protests challenging their government, Amir said. “So many liberal students gathered to ask for freedom — the government doesn’t like that,” he said. “A few of my own friends were detained for a few months for protesting.” Tooraj Bakhtiari, a second coordinator and the group’s spokesman, said its biggest goal is to let the public know about the fight for the Iranian people. “You’re not supposed to be killed because of your views, sexual orientation, because you’re a woman or have a different religion,” he said. “We are a caring and loving people and we want to show that to the rest of the world.” The simplest thing people can do is let their voices be heard, Behinfar said. “We want to let ASU students know that fighting for human and civil rights is important, no matter what country you live in,” he said.

Montreal, Canada

Following the student panel, the Iranian People’s Movement Defense Committee of Montreal hosted a second event – a demonstration on 22 Bahman to show their support and solidarity with the people of Iran. See pictures of the February 12 event below and make sure to check out the entire photo gallery on Flickr:

See pictures of the student panel hosted by Iranian People’s Movement Defense Committee of Montreal (IPMDCM) Check out some Flickr pictures of the IPMDCM’s 22 Bahman student panel earlier this week.

IPMDCM is a non-partisan umbrella group of individuals and groups in Montreal collaborating to defend human rights in Iran.The organization’s aim is to condemn the widespread and systematic violations of the Iranian people’s human rights and to call for the full restoration of their rights. IPMDCM Facebook Page:

London! People in London met to demonstrate against continued executions in Iran and to show support for the opposisition. Pictures on Flickr

Brussels! This wonderful mobile billboard has been making the rounds in Brussels. You can see it driving around the wintery city on youTube:

See footage from:

[Amsterdam] – [Austin] – [Brisbane] – [Brussels] – [Dallas] – [Glasgow] – [Germany: Feb 6] – [Houston] – [London: Feb 11] – [London: Feb 14 Hearts of Iran] – [Los Angeles: Feb 6] – [Los Angeles: Feb 11] – [Milan] – [Montreal] – [Orlando] – [Paris] – [Perth City] – [Phoenix] – [Portland (Maine)] – [Punes, India] – [San Francisco] – [San Jose] – [Seattle] – [Tempe] – [Tokyo: Feb 6] – [Tokyo: Feb 14] – [Toronto: Feb 7] – [Victoria] – [Vienna] – [Washington DC] Over the next few days we will be updating this post with information about rallies and actions outside Iran. Please check back often, email us text, images, and videos (, and be patient with us as we get them up!

Orlando, Florida For 22 Bahman, almost 200 citizens of Florida gathered in downtown Orlando to show their support for democracy, freedom of speech and respect for human rights in Iran. The event was hosted by Florida for Human Rights in Iran, a non-partisan activist organization made up of a group of citizens with a wide range of backgrounds joined together in support of human rights in Iran. See pictures of their support below, and make sure to check out the entire Flickr gallery here: Learn more about Florida for Human Rights in Iran FHRI was formed in Orlando in support of human rights in Iran. FHRI has successfully campaigned to increase public awareness of human rights violations in Iran by organizing art exhibits, rallies and events at which authors and former political prisoners have spoken. FHRI works closely with other human rights organizations such as Amnesty International USA. Being a non-partisan collaboration of human rights activists, FHRI does not promote a particular political agenda. The group is not based on, influenced by, affiliated with, or supportive of the interests or policies of any political party, group or religion. While calling for full respect for freedom of speech, expression, and assembly for all Iranian citizens, FHRI also demands an immediate end to the widespread and systematic violations of human rights in Iran. Our core beliefs lie within the human rights declaration of 1947 by United Nations general assembly for all people and all nations. We strive to ensure that every citizen of Iran, regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.

Seattle, Washington: Song of the Students For 22 Bahman, on February 11, non-partisan organization Seattle 4 Iran hosted an evening with Fared Shafinury and Tehranosaurus in a musical effort to maintain awareness regarding the continued unrest in Iran. Fared Shafinury, a gifted American-born Iranian setar player and vocalist living in Austin, TX, performed a rendition of “Yare Dabestani” to the crowds in a show of solidarity with the people of Iran and one of the most recognizable songs of the human & civil rights movement. See a short video of the performance below. Learn more about on their website: Hear more of Fared Shafinury’s music on his website:

Amsterdam: Let’s Not Forget the Students Who are Struggling for a New Iran Hundreds braved below freezing temperatures to show their support for the opposition in Iran and call for the release of student activists who are currently imprisoned in Iran. This event was organized by Iran Progressive Youth. You can find more information about their activities on their site. Here’s a short video from youTube:

Austria: Sabz Vienna takes to the streets Watch footage of a large crowd of human & civil rights advocates take to the streets of Vienna in support of the people of Iran. Learn more about the event’s host Sabz Wien at: or on Facebook at

Washington, DC: Not ONE More Execution In a show of defiance against both the bad weather and the ongoing human and civil rights abuses in Iran, Iranian-American Youth and Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will organized a well received march through the United States’ capital. Mobile billboards reading “Support the Fight for Freedom in Iran!” drove through the icy streets of DC and in front of the White House garnering attention from various media outlets in an outpouring of support for the people of Iran. See selected footage below and the entire gallery on Flickr: Learn more about Iranian-American Youth at Learn more about the Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will on Facebook at

Milan, Italy: Siamo Tutti Iraniani (“We Are All Iranian”) Milan, Italy saw two events for 22 Bahman. The first was hosted by the “Iranian Progressive Youth”. The second event, hosted by “Iranian Students of Milan” in conjunction with Amnesty International (all its participants draped in black),  saw an impressive number of Milan’s students and citizens march green through the streets o carrying large banners reading “Siamo Tutti Iraniani!” (“We are all Iranian” in Italian). See a few pictures below and the full photo gallery on Flickr:

Sabz Houston: “The WORLD in Solidarity with the People of Iran” A group of human & civil rights activists joined together on February 14th in a show of solidarity for the people of Iran and their struggles during 22 Bahman. Learn more about Sabz Houston on Facebook: Take a look at the pictures below and see the full picture gallery on Flickr:

London, UK: “Hearts of Iran” – A Silent March Highlighting the Human Rights Crisis On February 14th, when many people wrap themselves up in pink hearts and chocolates to celebrate Valentine’s day, United4Iran London hosted “Hearts of Iran” – a silent march  to raise awareness among the British public about the ongoing human rights violations in Iran. See pictures and video below of the concerned citizens of London marching silently through the streets, wearing all black with bright, green hearts pinned over their own. Complete Flickr gallery: See United4Iran London’s Facebook page here: Read more about the event

Austin, TX: “Green Steps of Iran” On February 12, over 150 people showed up to Austin4Iran-hosted “Green Steps of Iran” at the University of Texas in Austin. “Green Steps of Iran” was a collaborative green shoe installation piece which included hundreds of shoes lined up dramatically in an effort to draw attention to the struggles of the Iranian people.  According to organizers, there were as many pairs of shoes as arrests and killings in Iran since the disputed June election. See pictures below and the full Flicker gallery here: See Austin4Iran’s Facebook Page here:

Japan: Tokyo’s Streets See Unprecedented Support On February 14th, Green Wave Japan – a Tokyo-based activist organization – hosted a march in support of the people of Iran. A crowd of over a hundred people traveled through the streets of Tokyo chanting slogans in an expression of support and sympathy and carrying signs condemning the systematic human & civil rights violations and abuses in Iran. See below for video and pictures of the event. See the full Flickr gallery here: Learn more about Green Wave Japan here:

San Francisco, CA: Umbrellas in UN Plaza Managed to make it out to UN Plaza in San Francisco to join a pretty good sized group in a show of support for 22 Bahman and the people of Iran. There was an amazing violinst who led the crowd in “Yare Dabestani.” A San Francisco professor also joined the demonstration with some insights of his own. Pictures and video below. See the complete picture gallery on Flickr:

Los Angeles, CA: “We Are All One Voice” Watch an impressive, high-energy crowd in Los Angeles demonstrate in support of the Iranian people for 22 Bahman in the three-part video below. There are some great chants, my favorite being in the second video where the crowds chant, “We are all one voice!” See a gallery of event pictures on Flickr:

Glasgow, Scotland: New Protest, Same Square Gathered at George Square in Scotland, activists spend 22 Bahman demonstrating in the very place which itself saw a protest of over 90,000 people campaigning for better working conditions in the early 1900’s. See pictures below of Glasgow’s human rights activists showing support for the people of Iran. See the full collection on Flickr:

Punes, India: “This is Human Rights in Iran” A brave group of students and activists studying abroad in India held a vigil and demonstration on 22 Bahman to show solidarity with their peers back home. Donning green writsbands, waving green balloons, and touting a sign with a noose and text reading “THIS is Human Rights in Iran,” the Punes, India students met despite potential repercussions at home. Thanks to the brave students for coming out and showing their support. See the full album on Flickr:

Victoria, BC, Canada: Blind Folds & Nooses On Feb 11, human rights activists in Victoria, BC, Canada stood together in a flurry of snow, green blindfolds, and nooses tight around their necks to draw attention to the human rights plight in Iran, and the onslaught of recent executions. See more pictures on Flickr:

Dallas, TX: A Green Army (of shoes) For 22 Bahman, a group of Dallas-based activists gathered to show-case their exceptional project involving rows and rows of shoes spray-painted green and lined-up outside to stir public awareness regarding the efforts of the Iranian people. See more pictures of this event on Flickr:

Perth City, Australia: “We Are All Iranian Today” Large crowds gathered in Perth City, Australia today for 22 Bahman and to show their solidarity with the Iranian people. See video and a few pictures below and the entire gallery on Flickr:

Portland, Maine: Cold Weather, Warm Thoughts A handful of activists bundled up today and braved the cold New England weather to show their support for the people of Iran. See pictures below and check out the full collection on Flickr:

ASU Students Gather in Phoenix for 22 Bahman Arizona came together a second time this week to show support for the people of Iran, especially in light of the 22 Bahman demonstrations. See some pictures from the event and make sure to read an excerpt on Arizona’s “State Press” article about the event (below)! More pictures of the event can be found on Flickr: From State Press Report

Renee Behinfar of Scottsdale, the creator of the “Democracy and Freedom for Iran – Arizona chapter” Facebook group, was the main coordinator of the demonstration. “We are supporting democracy and freedom for Iran and the restoration of civil and human rights for Iranians,” she said. The protesters in Iran are expected to be met with a lot of force and violence, she said, more so than the original election protests. Iranian university students have been a big part of the protests challenging their government, Amir said. “So many liberal students gathered to ask for freedom — the government doesn’t like that,” he said. “A few of my own friends were detained for a few months for protesting.” Tooraj Bakhtiari, a second coordinator and the group’s spokesman, said its biggest goal is to let the public know about the fight for the Iranian people. “You’re not supposed to be killed because of your views, sexual orientation, because you’re a woman or have a different religion,” he said. “We are a caring and loving people and we want to show that to the rest of the world.” The simplest thing people can do is let their voices be heard, Behinfar said. “We want to let ASU students know that fighting for human and civil rights is important, no matter what country you live in,” he said.

Montreal, Canada Following the student panel, the Iranian People’s Movement Defense Committee of Montreal hosted a second event – a demonstration on 22 Bahman to show their support and solidarity with the people of Iran. See pictures of the February 12 event below and make sure to check out the entire photo gallery on Flickr: See pictures of the student panel hosted by Iranian People’s Movement Defense Committee of Montreal (IPMDCM) Check out some Flickr pictures of the IPMDCM’s 22 Bahman student panel earlier this week. IPMDCM is a non-partisan umbrella group of individuals and groups in Montreal collaborating to defend human rights in Iran.The organization’s aim is to condemn the widespread and systematic violations of the Iranian people’s human rights and to call for the full restoration of their rights. IPMDCM Facebook Page:

London! People in London met to demonstrate against continued executions in Iran and to show support for the opposisition. Pictures on Flickr

Brussels! This wonderful mobile billboard has been making the rounds in Brussels. You can see it driving around the wintery city on youTube:

No More Executions

See footage from:

[Amsterdam] – [Austin] – [Brisbane] – [Brussels] – [Dallas] – [Glasgow] – [Germany: Feb 6] – [Houston] – [London: Feb 11] – [London: Feb 14 Hearts of Iran] – [Los Angeles: Feb 6] – [Los Angeles: Feb 11] – [Milan] – [Montreal] – [Paris] – [Perth City] – [Phoenix] – [Portland (Maine)] – [Punes, India] – [San Francisco] – [San Jose] – [Tempe] – [Tokyo: Feb 6] – [Tokyo: Feb 14] – [Toronto: Feb 7] – [Victoria] – [Vienna] – [Washington DC]

Over the next few days we will be updating this post with information about rallies and actions outside Iran. Please check back often, email us text, images, and videos (, and be patient with us as we get them up!

Amsterdam: Let’s Not Forget the Students Who are Struggling for a New Iran Hundreds braved below freezing temperatures to show their support for the opposition in Iran and call for the release of student activists who are currently imprisoned in Iran. This event was organized by Iran Progressive Youth. You can find more information about their activities on their site.

Here’s a short video from youTube:

Austria: Sabz Vienna takes to the streets

Watch footage of a large crowd of human & civil rights advocates take to the streets of Vienna in support of the people of Iran. Learn more about the event’s host Sabz Wien at: or on Facebook at

Washington, DC: Not ONE More Execution

In a show of defiance against both the bad weather and the ongoing human and civil rights abuses in Iran, Iranian-American Youth and Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will organized a well received march through the United States’ capital. Mobile billboards reading “Support the Fight for Freedom in Iran!” drove through the icy streets of DC and in front of the White House garnering attention from various media outlets in an outpouring of support for the people of Iran. See selected footage below and the entire gallery on Flickr:

Learn more about Iranian-American Youth at Learn more about the Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will on Facebook at

Milan, Italy: Siamo Tutti Iraniani (“We Are All Iranian”) Milan, Italy saw two events for 22 Bahman. The first was hosted by the “Iranian Progressive Youth”. The second event, hosted by “Iranian Students of Milan” in conjunction with Amnesty International (all its participants draped in black),  saw an impressive number of Milan’s students and citizens march green through the streets o carrying large banners reading “Siamo Tutti Iraniani!” (“We are all Iranian” in Italian). See a few pictures below and the full photo gallery on Flickr:

Sabz Houston: “The WORLD in Solidarity with the People of Iran” A group of human & civil rights activists joined together on February 14th in a show of solidarity for the people of Iran and their struggles during 22 Bahman. Learn more about Sabz Houston on Facebook: Take a look at the pictures below and see the full picture gallery on Flickr:

London, UK: “Hearts of Iran” – A Silent March Highlighting the Human Rights Crisis On February 14th, when many people wrap themselves up in pink hearts and chocolates to celebrate Valentine’s day, United4Iran London hosted “Hearts of Iran” – a silent march  to raise awareness among the British public about the ongoing human rights violations in Iran. See pictures and video below of the concerned citizens of London marching silently through the streets, wearing all black with bright, green hearts pinned over their own. Complete Flickr gallery: See United4Iran London’s Facebook page here:

Read more about the event

Austin, TX: “Green Steps of Iran”

On February 12, over 150 people showed up to Austin4Iran-hosted “Green Steps of Iran” at the University of Texas in Austin. “Green Steps of Iran” was a collaborative green shoe installation piece which included hundreds of shoes lined up dramatically in an effort to draw attention to the struggles of the Iranian people.  According to organizers, there were as many pairs of shoes as arrests and killings in Iran since the disputed June election. See pictures below and the full Flicker gallery here: See Austin4Iran’s Facebook Page here:

Japan: Tokyo’s Streets See Unprecedented Support On February 14th, Green Wave Japan – a Tokyo-based activist organization – hosted a march in support of the people of Iran. A crowd of over a hundred people traveled through the streets of Tokyo chanting slogans in an expression of support and sympathy and carrying signs condemning the systematic human & civil rights violations and abuses in Iran. See below for video and pictures of the event. See the full Flickr gallery here: Learn more about Green Wave Japan here:

San Francisco, CA: Umbrellas in UN Plaza Managed to make it out to UN Plaza in San Francisco to join a pretty good sized group in a show of support for 22 Bahman and the people of Iran. There was an amazing violinst who led the crowd in “Yare Dabestani.” A San Francisco professor also joined the demonstration with some insights of his own. Pictures and video below. See the complete picture gallery on Flickr:

Los Angeles, CA: “We Are All One Voice”

Watch an impressive, high-energy crowd in Los Angeles demonstrate in support of the Iranian people for 22 Bahman in the three-part video below. There are some great chants, my favorite being in the second video where the crowds chant, “We are all one voice!” See a gallery of event pictures on Flickr:

Glasgow, Scotland: New Protest, Same Square

Gathered at George Square in Scotland, activists spend 22 Bahman demonstrating in the very place which itself saw a protest of over 90,000 people campaigning for better working conditions in the early 1900’s. See pictures below of Glasgow’s human rights activists showing support for the people of Iran. See the full collection on Flickr:

Punes, India: “This is Human Rights in Iran”

A brave group of students and activists studying abroad in India held a vigil and demonstration on 22 Bahman to show solidarity with their peers back home. Donning green writsbands, waving green balloons, and touting a sign with a noose and text reading “THIS is Human Rights in Iran,” the Punes, India students met despite potential repercussions at home. Thanks to the brave students for coming out and showing their support. See the full album on Flickr:

Victoria, BC, Canada: Blind Folds & Nooses

On Feb 11, human rights activists in Victoria, BC, Canada stood together in a flurry of snow, green blindfolds, and nooses tight around their necks to draw attention to the human rights plight in Iran, and the onslaught of recent executions. See more pictures on Flickr:

Dallas, TX: A Green Army (of shoes)

For 22 Bahman, a group of Dallas-based activists gathered to show-case their exceptional project involving rows and rows of shoes spray-painted green and lined-up outside to stir public awareness regarding the efforts of the Iranian people. See more pictures of this event on Flickr:

Perth City, Australia: “We Are All Iranian Today” Large crowds gathered in Perth City, Australia today for 22 Bahman and to show their solidarity with the Iranian people.

See video and a few pictures below and the entire gallery on Flickr:

Portland, Maine: Cold Weather, Warm Thoughts A handful of activists bundled up today and braved the cold New England weather to show their support for the people of Iran. See pictures below and check out the full collection on Flickr:

ASU Students Gather in Phoenix for 22 Bahman Arizona came together a second time this week to show support for the people of Iran, especially in light of the 22 Bahman demonstrations. See some pictures from the event and make sure to read an excerpt on Arizona’s “State Press” article about the event (below)! More pictures of the event can be found on Flickr:

From State Press Report

Renee Behinfar of Scottsdale, the creator of the “Democracy and Freedom for Iran – Arizona chapter” Facebook group, was the main coordinator of the demonstration. “We are supporting democracy and freedom for Iran and the restoration of civil and human rights for Iranians,” she said. The protesters in Iran are expected to be met with a lot of force and violence, she said, more so than the original election protests. Iranian university students have been a big part of the protests challenging their government, Amir said. “So many liberal students gathered to ask for freedom — the government doesn’t like that,” he said. “A few of my own friends were detained for a few months for protesting.” Tooraj Bakhtiari, a second coordinator and the group’s spokesman, said its biggest goal is to let the public know about the fight for the Iranian people. “You’re not supposed to be killed because of your views, sexual orientation, because you’re a woman or have a different religion,” he said. “We are a caring and loving people and we want to show that to the rest of the world.” The simplest thing people can do is let their voices be heard, Behinfar said. “We want to let ASU students know that fighting for human and civil rights is important, no matter what country you live in,” he said.

Montreal, Canada:

Following the student panel, the Iranian People’s Movement Defense Committee of Montreal hosted a second event – a demonstration on 22 Bahman to show their support and solidarity with the people of Iran. See pictures of the February 12 event below and make sure to check out the entire photo gallery on Flickr:

See pictures of the student panel hosted by Iranian People’s Movement Defense Committee of Montreal (IPMDCM) Check out some Flickr pictures of the IPMDCM’s 22 Bahman student panel earlier this week.

IPMDCM is a non-partisan umbrella group of individuals and groups in Montreal collaborating to defend human rights in Iran.The organization’s aim is to condemn the widespread and systematic violations of the Iranian people’s human rights and to call for the full restoration of their rights. IPMDCM Facebook Page:

London! People in London met to demonstrate against continued executions in Iran and to show support for the opposisition. Pictures on Flickr

Brussels! This wonderful mobile billboard has been making the rounds in Brussels. You can see it driving around the wintery city on youTube:

No More Executions