Green Wave Japan, host of the below march, is hosting a second event on February 14th. See below for details. Created with flickr slideshow.

Host: Green Wave Japan
Date: Feb 14
Time: 1pm
Location: 都立青山公園 // Aoyoma Park
About Green Wave Japan:
The Green Wave of Japan consisting of the Iranians residing in Japan, including students, scholars, graduates and people from all walks of life and advocates of the Green Movement in Iran, while being aware of the clear and rightful demands that this popular movement has had so far and has now and while defending the total sovereignty of the country and supporting determining the people’s destiny by the people themselves and opposing any kind of aggression and invasion of our sacred land by other countries and any kind of sanctions that might harm the people of Iran in any way, once again and persistently expresses its basic demands… [Read More]