Following the post-Ashura mass arrests of political and social activists and journalists, Lili Farhadpour was arrested. According to various sources, Farhadpour was arrested by security forces on Thursday, January 21st a.m. at his home. Farhadpour is one of the journalists who was active in cultural and social issues. He is also mother of Behrang Tonekaboni, Editor-in-Chief of Fahang va Ahang (Culture and Music) publication, who was previously arrested on January 6, 2010. Lili Farhadpour’s efforts to gain information about her son over the past two weeks had proven fruitless. A few days prior to her arrest, while at the Revolutionary Courts to gain information about her son’s arrest, Ms. Farhadpour had had heart problems for which she was transferred to a hospital. Two weeks after her son’s arrest, she had been unsuccessful in getting information from judicial and security authorities about her son’s detention location.