[Read a brief background about 22 Bahman here]
22 Bahman (February 11) will most likely bring a new round of protests in Iran. To help spark buzz for these upcoming demonstrations in Iran, U4I is sounding a call to action. Groups around the world are organizing events for the week of February 6th – to begin a week-long build-up to 22 Bahman. Coordinating a global day of action BEFORE Iran’s anticipated demonstrations ensures not only that the international community and mainstream media remain aware of the upcoming demonstrations, but also that news, pictures, and videos of the world’s support makes its way to Iran before 22 Bahman. Where the people of Iran send us pictures of violence and brutality, we must step up and return footage of support so the people of Iran can witness the international community’s unwavering support for them and their struggle to attain basic human & civil rights.
- Freedom of Press, Assembly, & Expression, as guaranteed under international covenants that Iran has signed
- Free all Prisoners of Conscience, including journalists, students, civil society activists, and minorities.
- Stop all Murder, Torture, & Rape and hold accountable those responsible
- Immediate Halt to Executions & Show Trials
- Create buzz regarding the upcoming 22 Bahman demonstrations in Iran
- Focus the international community’s attention not just on the ongoing human & civil rights abuses, but also on the struggles the Iranian people will face on 22 Bahman
- Reaffirm to the people of Iran the world’s support and solidarity in their fight for basic civil & human rights and remind them “You are NOT alone.”
We invite EVERYONE to organize an event, small or large, during the period between February 6th and February 11th in support of the people of Iran and the struggles they will face come 22 Bahman. If your event falls on a different date, no worries! We are still more than happy to promote it. Check the Affiliates page for groups near you that may be coordinating already. If you are interested in or are organizing an event in your area, send an e-mail to shared@united4iran.org with the event details, including Date, Time, Location, Facebook Event Page (if applicable), event host, and contact person. Organizers, event participants, and even those who cannot attend a planned demonstration, should use this opportunity to spend a few minutes printing and mailing this postcard to your nearest consulate and embassy. This same postcard campaign was covered in a New York Times article when first launched. Consider printing several of these postcards and distributing them at your event to add to the volumes of postcards arriving at embassies and consulates around the world. Event details will be posted as they come in. We will be providing fliers, posters, banners etc. in the next day or two.
Created with flickr slideshow.