On Tuesday, ILNA News Agency announced that verdicts for five individuals convicted after the post-election protests have been forwarded for implementation. From descriptions of the sentences, it appears that most charges are “participation in public gatherings after the elections,” and “publishing material on the internet.” ILNA quotes Tehran’s General and Revolutionary Courts’ Public Affairs Office, announcing the convicts and sentences: 1. Amir Aslani, on charges of “disruption in public peace and order,” and “confrontation with the regime through propagation against the regime,” “participation in illegal gatherings,” and “designing a mutiny to disrupt the electrical power and lighting system of the country during the highest demand time, aiming to harm electrical generators and to create public dissent,” sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. 2. Ali Behzadian, son of Ali Asghar, on charges of “propagation against the regime,” and “mutiny with intent to disrupt national security through creating web sites, propagating news, and [publishing] insulting material in those web sites, aiming to create riots on the days after the elections,” sentenced to six years’ imprisonment. 3. Hessam Tarmessi, son of Hamid, on charges of “disruption in public order through participating in street riots,” sentenced to one year’s imprisonment. 4. Mohammad Reza Nourbakhsh, son of Hassan, on charges of “propagation against the regime,” and “mutiny against national security through implementing the Jomhouriat web site,” and “propagation of false news and propagation against the regime,” sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. 5. Omid Lavasani, son of Mohammad Hossein, on charges of “propagation against the regime,” “congregation and mutiny with intent to disrupt internal security,” sentenced to six years’ imprisonment. Sentences of the above-mentioned convicts were reviewed in an initial court. The convicts have objected to the sentences, and the cases wereforwarded to appeals courts which with some changes confirmed the sentences. The sentences have been forwarded to Tehran General and Revolutionary Courts’ Sentence Implementation Unit for implementation. Source: http://www.iranhumanrights.org/2010/01/five-prison-terms-confirmed-one-to-six-years-for-participating-in-protests-running-a-web-site/