“Cooperating and signing contracts with these foundations and institutions, which are conducting soft warfare against Iran, is illegal, and receiving facilities from them is also prohibited,” PressTV quotes Iran’s deputy intelligence minister as having said. The list (article in Persian here) appears to have been drawn up from interrogations with reformists, activists, business people, academics, and scientists. More than anything, what it shows is the deep paranoia of this regime and their insecure hold on power. This insecurity puts many in danger. This may, in fact, be the most dangerous time for citizens of Iran since the 1980s when thousands were executed. Cartoon by Nik Ahang KowsarIn addition, it reveals that they have decided to no longer pretend to aspire to democracy, even an Islamic democracy. Human rights, academic freedom, and even peaceful conflict resolution are activities they can no longer consider. It seems, that the following organizations have the Iranian regime shaking in its slip-on shoes: 1- Soros Foundation’s Open Society Institute 2 – Woodrow Wilson Center 3 – Freedom House 4 – National Charities Fund for Democracy NED 5 – National Democratic Institute N.D.I 6 – National Republican Institute N.R.I 7 – Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe (headquarters in Warsaw) IDEE 8 – Center for a democratic Eastern Europe (headquarters in Warsaw) EEDC 9 – Ford Foundation 10 – Rockefeller Brothers Fund 11 – Hoover Institute at Stanford University 12 – HIVOS 13 – مناز انگليس 14 – United Nations Association of the USA 15 – Carnegie Foundation 16 – Wilton Park Conferences, England 17 – Search for Common Ground 18 – Population Council 19 – Washington Institute for Near East Policy 20 – Aspen Institute 21 – American Enterprise Institute 22 – New America Foundation 23 – Smith Richardson Foundation 24 – German Marshall Fund of the U.S. 25 – International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution 26 – The Memorial Foundation 27 – Yale University 28 – Meridian International Center 29 – Foundation for Democracy in Iran 30 – International Republican Institute 31 – National Democratic Institute 32 – Institute of American initiative (?) 33 – Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe 34 – US AID 35 – Center for International Private Enterprise 36 – Solidarity Center (?) 37 – International Center for Democracy (?) 38 – Community organization Democracy (?) 39 – Albert Einstein Institute 40 – World Movement for Democracy 41 – Youth Network of Democracy Activists (?) 42 – Department of Information and Communication Technologies for Democracy (?) 43 – International Movement of Parliamentarians for Democracy 44 – Network of Democracy Research Institutes 45 – Riga Institute 46 – Berkman Center 47 – Council on Foreign Relations, United States 48 – German Association for Foreign Policy 49 – MEMRI – The Middle East Media Research Institute 50 – Centre for Democracy Studies, UK 51 – Meridian Institute 52 – Yale University, and all affiliated centers and institutions 53 – National Defense University 54 – Iran Human Rights Documentation Center 55 – Central Asia and Caucasus (?) 56 – Risk Committee 57 – Brookings Institute 58 – Saban Center affiliated with Brookings 59 – Human Rights Watch Radio and TV: Radio Farda, VOA, Radio Zamaneh, Israeli (Zionist) Radio, BBC