1. How did U4I start? U4I materialized in response to the blatant human rights violations following the Iranian peoples’ demonstrations and protests over the disputed June 12th elections. It was originally founded and organized to plan a global day of action on July 25, 2009 to stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and to demand respect for fundamental international human rights and civil rights for all people in Iran. After the global day of action, U4I decided to continue its work to raise the profile of Iran and Human rights by working through global coalitions and through online campaigning. 2. Does U4I have employees? Currently, there are approximately six volunteers working in California, New York, and Amsterdam who are working with U4I. We are hopeful to obtain funding so that there will be paid positions in the near future. 3. Who are some of U4I’s supporters? A list of supporters can be found here. 4. Why is U4I non-partisan? U4I is firmly committed to the International Human Right that all people are entitled to self-determination. U4I understands that varying political and economic views exist throughout the Iranian and global community. Rather than amplify disparate political beliefs, U4I hopes to provide an umbrella under which the Iranian and non-Iranian community can gather not only to show solidarity against the IRI’s human rights violations, but also to share resources, news, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities etc. We believe that sanctions of any kind, military intervention, or foreign interference is not only the wrong answer, but actually a detriment to the Iranian people for the change they seek must be organic and stem from within the country. Additionally, U4I is firmly against blanket sanctions, military force, and foreign interference, because ultimately such restrictions and actions hurt not those who engage in human rights violations, but the pocketbooks, freedoms, and safety of everyday Iranians. 5. Is my donation tax-deductible? Yes! 6. Why is it important to only buy “Official U4I Merchandise”? All U4I Merchandise sales help fund our efforts; unofficial vendors and merchandisers making profits from sales are in no way affiliated with our organization, and we do not derive any benefits from them. U4I has undertaken the social responsibility of offering only sweatshop free, Made-In-The-United States merchandise. And despite it’s lower cost, we are actively avoiding merchandise made in foreign countries who have failed to recognize or condemn the current human rights violations. 7. I can’t find a local U4I group– what should I do? If there isn’t a local U4I affiliation near you, consider starting one! We are more than happy to guide you towards beginning a local organization. Many of these local branches began not as result of serendipitous funding or expert non-profit leaders, but rather through the meeting of individuals united by the common goal to address the IRI’s human rights violations. 8. How can I stay up-to-date on upcoming local, national, and global U4I –sponsored or other related events? The easiest ways to stay up-to-date is to check the event calendar (coming soon), browse your city’s page, subscribe to the U4I newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, subscribe to the site’s RSS feed, or check the main page regularly for abbreviated updates. 9. How will my information be used if I subscribe to U4I’s newsletter or volunteer contact information? U4I will NOT release your confidential, personal information to anyone. Only a few people can access the information, which is stored in a secure, confidential database; you will only receive e-mails, newsletters, and volunteer opportunity postings from U4I if you sign-up, and you can unsubscribe at any time. 10. My group, not currently affiliated with U4I, has an event coming up; will you post it on the site? Depends. We are currently in the process of building out an interactive event calendar that will allow users to submit event information. A U4I moderator will review the event information and aim before positing to the calendar so as to ensure the event’s compliance with U4I’s mission and vision. 11. What if I want to plan an event that doesn’t totally adhere to U4I’s mission and vision? Far be it from us to deny any group the right to activism! U4I’s intention is NOT to deter outside organizations from engaging in their own versions of solidarity or protest. However, events with aims and messages not parallel to those of U4I’s should not advertise the event as a U4I sponsored event. Unless U4I has specifically endorsed your event, U4I’s logo, name, any all other copyrighted material CANNOT be used for the event in any capacity. 12. How can I help? For more in-depth info as to how you can help, visit “You and U4I1. How did U4I start? U4I materialized in response to the blatant human rights violations following the Iranian peoples’ demonstrations and protests over the disputed June 12th elections. It was originally founded and organized to plan a global day of action on July 25, 2009 to stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and to demand respect for fundamental international human rights and civil rights for all people in Iran. After the global day of action, U4I decided to continue its work to raise the profile of Iran and Human rights by working through global coalitions and through online campaigning. 2. Does U4I have employees? Currently, there are approximately six volunteers working in California, New York, and Amsterdam who are working with U4I. We are hopeful to obtain funding so that there will be paid positions in the near future. 3. Who are some of U4I’s supporters? A list of supporters can be found here [link to supporter page]. 4. Why is U4I non-partisan? U4I is firmly committed to the International Human Right that all people are entitled to self-determination. U4I understands that varying political and economic views exist throughout the Iranian and global community. Rather than amplify disparate political beliefs, U4I hopes to provide an umbrella under which the Iranian and non-Iranian community can gather not only to show solidarity against the IRI’s human rights violations, but also to share resources, news, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities etc. We believe that sanctions of any kind, military intervention, or foreign interference is not only the wrong answer, but actually a detriment to the Iranian people for the change they seek must be organic and stem from within the country. Additionally, U4I is firmly against blanket sanctions, military force, and foreign interference, because ultimately such restrictions and actions hurt not those who engage in human rights violations, but the pocketbooks, freedoms, and safety of everyday Iranians. 5. Is my donation tax-deductible? Yes! 6. Why is it important to only buy “Official U4I Merchandise”? All U4I Merchandise sales help fund our efforts; unofficial vendors and merchandisers making profits from sales are in no way affiliated with our organization, and we do not derive any benefits from them. U4I has undertaken the social responsibility of offering only sweatshop free, Made-In-The-United States merchandise. And despite it’s lower cost, we are actively avoiding merchandise made in foreign countries who have failed to recognize or condemn the current human rights violations. 7. I can’t find a local U4I group– what should I do? If there isn’t a local U4I affiliation near you, consider starting one! We are more than happy to guide you towards beginning a local organization. Many of these local branches began not as result of serendipitous funding or expert non-profit leaders, but rather through the meeting of individuals united by the common goal to address the IRI’s human rights violations. 8. How can I stay up-to-date on upcoming local, national, and global U4I –sponsored or other related events? The easiest ways to stay up-to-date is to check the event calendar (coming soon), browse your city’s page, subscribe to the U4I newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, subscribe to the site’s RSS feed, or check the main page regularly for abbreviated updates. 9. How will my information be used if I subscribe to U4I’s newsletter or volunteer contact information? U4I will NOT release your confidential, personal information to anyone. Only a few people can access the information, which is stored in a secure, confidential database; you will only receive e-mails, newsletters, and volunteer opportunity postings from U4I if you sign-up, and you can unsubscribe at any time. 10. My group, not currently affiliated with U4I, has an event coming up; will you post it on the site? Depends. We are currently in the process of building out an interactive event calendar that will allow users to submit event information. A U4I moderator will review the event information and aim before positing to the calendar so as to ensure the event’s compliance with U4I’s mission and vision. 11. What if I want to plan an event that doesn’t totally adhere to U4I’s mission and vision? Far be it from us to deny any group the right to activism! U4I’s intention is NOT to deter outside organizations from engaging in their own versions of solidarity or protest. However, events with aims and messages not parallel to those of U4I’s should not advertise the event as a U4I sponsored event. Unless U4I has specifically endorsed your event, U4I’s logo, name, any all other copyrighted material CANNOT be used for the event in any capacity. 12. I don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to activism, how else can I help? We understand that many supporters don’t have time to dedicate, but still have the inclination to contribute. If you’re eager to show support without dedicating an immense amount of time, consider doing one or more of the following: • Donate to U4I (donate button process very easy)! • Purchase official U4I merchandise • Follow us on Facebook & Twitter (and encourage your friends to do the same!) • Subscribe to U4I’s newsletter For more in-depth info as to how you can help, go to “You and U4I” 13. I have plenty of time, but not as much money. How else can I help? We get that not everyone has large disposable incomes, especially considering the world’s present financial state. No worries! You can still contribute to U4I by participating in the below detailed: • Follow and interact with us on Facebook & Twitter (and encourage your friends to do the same!) • Subscribe to U4I’s newsletter • Begin your own local U4I organization or volunteer at an existing one • Volunteer with U4I’s umbrella organization • Attend and promote major U4I events • Stay up-to-date on breaking news • Submit ideas, suggestions, comments, video, galleries for the site • Digg us! For more in-depth info as to how you can help, go to “You and U4I”1. How did U4I start? U4I materialized in response to the blatant human rights violations following the Iranian peoples’ demonstrations and protests over the disputed June 12th elections. It was originally founded and organized to plan a global day of action on July 25, 2009 to stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and to demand respect for fundamental international human rights and civil rights for all people in Iran. After the global day of action, U4I decided to continue its work to raise the profile of Iran and Human rights by working through global coalitions and through online campaigning. 2. Does U4I have employees? Currently, there are approximately six volunteers working in California, New York, and Amsterdam who are working with U4I. We are hopeful to obtain funding so that there will be paid positions in the near future. 3. Who are some of U4I’s supporters? A list of supporters can be found here [link to supporter page]. 4. Why is U4I non-partisan? U4I is firmly committed to the International Human Right that all people are entitled to self-determination. U4I understands that varying political and economic views exist throughout the Iranian and global community. Rather than amplify disparate political beliefs, U4I hopes to provide an umbrella under which the Iranian and non-Iranian community can gather not only to show solidarity against the IRI’s human rights violations, but also to share resources, news, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities etc. We believe that sanctions of any kind, military intervention, or foreign interference is not only the wrong answer, but actually a detriment to the Iranian people for the change they seek must be organic and stem from within the country. Additionally, U4I is firmly against blanket sanctions, military force, and foreign interference, because ultimately such restrictions and actions hurt not those who engage in human rights violations, but the pocketbooks, freedoms, and safety of everyday Iranians. 5. Is my donation tax-deductible? Yes! 6. Why is it important to only buy “Official U4I Merchandise”? All U4I Merchandise sales help fund our efforts; unofficial vendors and merchandisers making profits from sales are in no way affiliated with our organization, and we do not derive any benefits from them. U4I has undertaken the social responsibility of offering only sweatshop free, Made-In-The-United States merchandise. And despite it’s lower cost, we are actively avoiding merchandise made in foreign countries who have failed to recognize or condemn the current human rights violations. 7. I can’t find a local U4I group– what should I do? If there isn’t a local U4I affiliation near you, consider starting one! We are more than happy to guide you towards beginning a local organization. Many of these local branches began not as result of serendipitous funding or expert non-profit leaders, but rather through the meeting of individuals united by the common goal to address the IRI’s human rights violations. 8. How can I stay up-to-date on upcoming local, national, and global U4I –sponsored or other related events? The easiest ways to stay up-to-date is to check the event calendar (coming soon), browse your city’s page, subscribe to the U4I newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, subscribe to the site’s RSS feed, or check the main page regularly for abbreviated updates. 9. How will my information be used if I subscribe to U4I’s newsletter or volunteer contact information? U4I will NOT release your confidential, personal information to anyone. Only a few people can access the information, which is stored in a secure, confidential database; you will only receive e-mails, newsletters, and volunteer opportunity postings from U4I if you sign-up, and you can unsubscribe at any time. 10. My group, not currently affiliated with U4I, has an event coming up; will you post it on the site? Depends. We are currently in the process of building out an interactive event calendar that will allow users to submit event information. A U4I moderator will review the event information and aim before positing to the calendar so as to ensure the event’s compliance with U4I’s mission and vision. 11. What if I want to plan an event that doesn’t totally adhere to U4I’s mission and vision? Far be it from us to deny any group the right to activism! U4I’s intention is NOT to deter outside organizations from engaging in their own versions of solidarity or protest. However, events with aims and messages not parallel to those of U4I’s should not advertise the event as a U4I sponsored event. Unless U4I has specifically endorsed your event, U4I’s logo, name, any all other copyrighted material CANNOT be used for the event in any capacity. 12. I don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to activism, how else can I help? We understand that many supporters don’t have time to dedicate, but still have the inclination to contribute. If you’re eager to show support without dedicating an immense amount of time, consider doing one or more of the following: • Donate to U4I (donate button process very easy)! • Purchase official U4I merchandise • Follow us on Facebook & Twitter (and encourage your friends to do the same!) • Subscribe to U4I’s newsletter For more in-depth info as to how you can help, go to “You and U4I” 13. I have plenty of time, but not as much money. How else can I help? We get that not everyone has large disposable incomes, especially considering the world’s present financial state. No worries! You can still contribute to U4I by participating in the below detailed: • Follow and interact with us on Facebook & Twitter (and encourage your friends to do the same!) • Subscribe to U4I’s newsletter • Begin your own local U4I organization or volunteer at an existing one • Volunteer with U4I’s umbrella organization • Attend and promote major U4I events • Stay up-to-date on breaking news • Submit ideas, suggestions, comments, video, galleries for the site • Digg us! For more in-depth info as to how you can help, go to “You and U4I”