Times Online, July 25- There has been a wave of protests in major cities across the world today in support of Iranian activists. Iran’s clampdown on demonstrations against the country’s disputed elections has sparked a global protest from fellow Iranians and human rights groups. More than 80 cities, including London, Islamabad, Brussels, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul and Amsterdam, took part in the event, which was backed by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Last month Ayatollah Khamenei ordered an end to demonstrations against the re-election of hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Despite their supreme leader’s command thousands have continued to take to the streets in Iran, prompting the arrests of activists and violent clashes with riot police, military and Ahmadinejad’s supporters. Onlooker Neda Agha Soltan, was killed during one demonstration. Today pictures of the 27-year-old were waved on placards by protesters outside the Iranian embassy in London. About 80 people wearing headbands, wristbands or bandanas in green – the colour of Iran’s protest movement – also demonstrated in front of the UN’s European headquarters in Geneva. Protester Jacky Carel, a member of a Swiss-Iranian cultural organization, said: “The young people have had enough. It cannot go on like this.” In the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, some 20 Iranians, including refugees and students and gathered outside the local press club yelling “Death to the dictator.” Speaking in Amsterdam, Iranian Nobel Peace prize laureate Shirin Ebadi urged the international community to reject the outcome of the Iranian election and called for a new vote monitored by the United Nations. The prostests come as President Ahmadinejad has dismissed his most senior vice-president on the orders of the Ayatollah Khamenei. Many Iranian hardliners opposed the appointment of First Vice-President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie due to comments he made last year claiming Iranians and Israelis were friends. Ayatollah Khamenei wrote to the president, telling him that appointing Mr Mashaie was “against your interest and the interests of the government”. In the letter, which was broadcast on Iranian state TV, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “It is necessary to announce the cancellation of this appointment.” You may see this piece at its source.