View videos from the demonstrations and events during the United Nations General Assembly, September 22-24, 2009. Events included the “Iran Alive” film screening, demonstrations, and Green Scroll march across the Brooklyn Bridge. September 24th – “Green Scroll March Across Brooklyn Bridge/Rally” [tubepress mode=’playlist’, playlistValue=’C7080F3858D405D6′] September 23rd – “Rally at the Iran Mission/Rally at the UN” [tubepress mode=’playlist’, playlistValue=’18AB61CA54EB86AE’] September 22nd – “Iran Alive” [tubepress mode=’playlist’, playlistValue=’3C8FA4567ABF2D0B’] View videos from the demonstrations and events during the United Nations General Assembly, September 22-24, 2009. Events included the “Iran Alive” film screening, demonstrations, and Green Scroll march across the Brooklyn Bridge. View videos from the demonstrations and events during the United Nations General Assembly, September 22-24, 2009. Events included the “Iran Alive” film screening, demonstrations, and Green Scroll march across the Brooklyn Bridge.